Senior College in the Community @ APL: Demon Foods

Chef Larry Canepa will be the featured speaker at the Auburn Public Library on September 19 at 2 p.m.  Chef Larry’s talk will be about foods grown for shelf life and transport.  Such foods, saturated in toxic chemicals, generally aren’t so great for actual consumption when it comes to nutrient value.  Has science and agribusiness made the ‘perfect food’ yet?  This devilishly popular ‘foodtainment’ presentation will examine the current crazes, diets, fads, facts, and fiction of ‘demon foods’.  We’ll explore the foods and snacks of yesteryear and the fantastic foods of the future.  We are what we eat and making good choices is based on knowledge.

Chef Larry Canepa is a Certified Culinary Educator and presents classes on food and culture via Zoom.  His motto is “to eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.”

This program will take place in person, in the Androscoggin Community Room.  No registration is required.

This presentation is part of a fall series entitled Senior College in the Community offered through a partnership with Lewiston Auburn Senior College.  Lewiston Auburn Senior College has a long-standing relationship with community partners.  In addition to this program, Senior College offers in-person, Zoom, and hybrid enrichment classes.  For more information about Senior College, visit

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