©2015 René Roy Photography

©2015 Coral Breuer

©2015 René Roy Photography
4th Annual Ice Festival Lewiston Auburn
Location: Bates Mill Complex – Fountain Park Courtyard and Bates Mill Atrium
A Fundraiser for L/A Arts
Fill Out Volunteer Form HERE – We’ll contact you!
Ice Festival L/A is back, and with some new highlights, our fourth annual event is shaping up to be an outstanding celebration of what our Twin Cities have to offer, in the heart of our Maine winter! Ice Festival 2016 would not be possible without all our local corporate sponsors and amazing partners: Platz Associates, the Bates Mill Development Co., L.L.C., Mac’s Grill, The Green Ladle, and Fishbones American Grill. Thank you for supporting the arts and culture in L/A!!!
Ice Festival L/A: Fundraiser for L/A Arts – VIP
Friday, February 19th – 5-9 p.m.
VIP tickets are $25, advance or $30 at the door (if available).
Due to the success of VIP in previous years, L/A Arts is delighted to announce that VIP will take place over the entire first night of Ice Festival! It will include free tickets for all sponsors, and a limited supply of general VIP tickets will be made available to the public for purchase. In addition to all the features of the general event, the VIP will feature 6-7 high quality restaurants offering freshly prepared food samples from their staff, a visual arts gallery, live music, and ice carving demonstration. After VIP, general admission will commence extending similar offerings than Friday evening, and a short changeover of food will take place inside the Atrium, which will reopen at 6:00 p.m.
Ice Festival L/A: Fundraiser for L/A Arts – General Admission
Saturday, Feb 20th – 5 – 9 p.m.
General Admission tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door (if available).
The Ice Festival 2016 general admission events feature over 15 ice sculptures, ice bars as well as a giant igloo in the Bates Mill Fountain Park Courtyard. Live ice carving demonstrations will take place, a DJ will spin contemporary and classic music, and specialty food trucks will serve those interested in purchasing food. Inside the Bates Mill Atrium, local non-profit culinary arts school The Green Ladle and some of the best local restaurants in L/A will serve patrons small samples of their local bites of food (3 food tickets are included with your purchase), and live music from a wide range of fantastic local and regional bands will play.
Ice Festival Family Day
Sunday, February 21st 11-2 p.m.
Under 18 – FREE – Ticket Required
18+ – $2.50 in advance, $5 at door
Family Day will cap off Ice Festival 2015 with outdoor winter games and prizes, live ice carving demonstrations and family entertainment, and winter treats including hot chocolate and sweets.
Day 1
Date: Friday, February 19th 2016
Time: VIP ALL NIGHT – NEW!* 5 – 9 p.m.
Location: Fountain Plaza at Bates Mill Complex
Cost: $25 in advance, $30 at door (if available) admission includes three hors d’oeuvres tickets**
Day 2
Date: Saturday, February 20th 2016
Time: 5 – 9 p.m.
Tickets***General Admission
Cost: General $15 advance/$20 at door (if available) admission includes three hors d’oeuvres tickets**
Location: Fountain Plaza at Bates Mill Complex
Day 3 – Family Day
Date: Sunday, February 21st, 2016
Time: 11:00am – 2:00pm
Location: Fountain Plaza at Bates Mill Complex
Cost: Free Children under 18, $2.50 Adults (Advance) $5 Door
Want more specific updates, including music, food and bars?
Follow/like us on facebook at:
Arts and culture prizes available as L/A Arts and ACLA launch region-wide public survey campaign
Lewiston-Auburn, ME – November 18, 2015 – L/A Arts and Arts & Culture Lewiston Auburn (ACLA) need your help. Because they believe arts and culture are essential to our quality of life, they’re developing a plan—Cultural Plan LA—to better connect arts and culture to our community. These partner organizations know that a plan like this means little if it doesn’t have as many local voices weighing in as possible; thus, they’re seeking insights from any and all LA-region residents, students, and employees.
If you’re an artist or craftsperson, or you work for an arts or culture business or organization, you might qualify to complete multiple surveys. That’s good news for you, because each completed survey enters you into a drawing for prizes from local arts and culture organizations!
More info and surveys:
Individual surveys:
- Public Opinion:<
- Artists:
- Arts and Culture Businesses / Organizations:
Prefer to share your thoughts by hand? You can find hardcopies and drop-off boxes in the following locations:
- Auburn City Hall
- Auburn Public Library
- Gritty’s Pub
- Lewiston City Hall
- Lewiston Public Library
- Forage Market
- Wicked Illustrations
This work is supported by the Maine Arts Commission’s “Creative Communities = Economic Development” (CCED) Phase I grant, the City of Auburn, and the City of Lewiston.
L/A Arts is the Twin Cities’ designated local arts agency. Since 1973, the mission of L/A Arts has been to contribute to the vibrancy and progress of Lewiston-Auburn by developing sustainable and impactful arts programs and supporting local arts and cultural institutions. Learn more at
Arts & Culture L/A (ACLA) is a group of 15 local organizations whose mission is to develop, advocate and promote public arts and cultural experiences. Learn more at
Reinholt Consulting helps to fortify cultural organizations by acting as a guide through the comprehensive cultural planning process that leads to the discovery of top priorities and action plans. Learn more at
Maine Arts Commission is an independent state agency supported by the National Endowment for the Arts. Their mission is to encourage and stimulate public interest and participation in the cultural heritage and cultural programs of our state; expand the state’s cultural resources; and encourage and assist freedom of artistic expression for the well being of the arts, to meet the needs and aspirations of persons in all parts of the state. Learn more at
City of Auburn and City of Lewiston have both shared matching financial support as a sign of their belief in the Cultural Plan LA project. |
L/A RATTLE – Public Sculpture Project:
L/A Arts would like to thank the partners, individual contributors, corporate sponsors and foundations for making the L/A Rattle sculpture a reality. In addition, it is grateful to local artist Charlie Hewitt for his passion for L/A, wonderful artistry, hardwork, and generosity to realize this public art piece.
L/A Rattle sculpture ribbon cutting ceremony (From Left to Right) Matt Leonard, President & CEO – Androscoggin County Chamber of Commerce, Jonathan Labonte – Mayor of Auburn, Joshua Vink – Executive Director of L/A Arts, Charlie Hewitt – Artist L/A Rattle, and Robert MacDonald – Mayor of Lewiston
We’re making our way down Lisbon Street back to our home office! Our permanent space at 221 Lisbon Street is currently being renovated. In the meantime, we’re in a temporary space right beside Paul’s Clothing & Shoe Store at 277 Lisbon Street in Room #9. Come visit us! Our office phone number is still the same as always. 782-7228. We will have an open house celebration in our new office when it is completed! More details to follow. Thank you for your understanding!